A sample of projects created! 

Animal Management Student Placement Locator
Featured Project

Animal Management Student Placement Locator

This project has been my first unique project idea relating to current work. Students were lacking a website to go and find placement opportunities which are located near them in Northern Ireland. This website allows students to contact the placement officer, locate their postcode on the map and see current placements near them. Some difficulties (which now work) included contact form to email, displaying popups on leaflet JS and allowing enter key to be pressed to submit postcode. This webpage makes use of Google Maps API, Leaflet JS and JSON.

Favourite NASA Images

Favourite NASA Images

A webpage displaying NASA images and relevant information from NASA API. The webpage enables the user to save their favourite images into local storage. The design was to be clean with minimal colour to enable the images to stand out and for easy reading of the information.

To Do List (Kanban Board)

To Do List (Kanban Board)

This project was created while during self study. It makes use of the local storage and drag and drop features. You are able to add a task to a column, drag to another, edit task or delete task. Your task will be remember for the next time you are online. The background image is calming and allows the colours to stand out.

Project Portfolio Page
Featured Project

Project Portfolio Page

A professional portfolio which uses Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Framer-motion and styled components. It was important to make this personal to me with images and favourite colours used throughout. It has smooth page transitions, cool background effects and is mobile responsive.

Images Infinite Scroll Webpage

Images Infinite Scroll Webpage

A clean and fresh webpage that uses the Unsplash API to randomly generate images with a smooth continous scrolling effect. This webpage is also mobile responsive.

Custom Countdown Webpage

Custom Countdown Webpage

This webpage allows users to enter a particular date and title and a countdown will begin in days, hours, minutes and seconds. This is stored in local storage and remembered. Once finished there will be a message displayeg for countdown complete.